Feedback & Complaints

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We welcome all types of feedback from our customers, their families and staff about their experiences with Optimal Care Australia.

Feedback may include:

  • Compliments: These are things that you think we’re doing well or may be recognition of a person who has helped you. By telling us what you like, we can aim to continue to do these things and provide feedback to staff.
  • Suggestions: Your ideas on how we can improve things or do things better can help us to improve our services and ensure they meet your needs and wants.
  • Complaints: We want to know when you’re not happy about an experience you’ve had with Optimal Care Australia. A complaint can be about a person, a service or something you have experienced. We will respond to any complaints received within three working days.

Reportable Incident - NDIS Quality & Safeguards Commission

1. Provider Details:
2. Primary Contact Person
Who is the provider’s primary contact for this incident or allegation?
3. Incident Category:
The categories of incidents are defined in 73Z of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (Cth) and section 16 of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Incident Management and Reportable Incidents) Rules 2018. You may wish to include a secondary category if the incident/allegation falls into multiple categories.
4. Incident Details:
If you have completed an internal incident report please provide it to the NDIS Commission with this report.
5. Impacted Person:
6. Subject(s) of Allegation:
A subject of allegation is a person who has been accused of a reportable incident. A subject of allegation may be a worker within your organisation or another person, for example a resident living in the same house. There may be more than one subject of allegation. If there is not space on this form, please include additional information in an attachment.
6.1 Subject of allegation - worker:
Only complete this section if there is a worker who is a subject of allegation.
6.2 Subject of allegation - person with disability:
6.1 Subject of allegation - other:
7. Immediate Action Taken:
7.1 Impacted Person:
If the incident category is death of a person with disability, this section does not need to be completed.
7.3 Subject of allegation - person with disability:
This only needs to be completed if there is a person with disability who is a subject of allegation.
8. Risk Assessment:
If you have completed a risk assessment please provide it to the NDIS Commission with this report.
9. Attachments:
Please upload all supporting documents you need to submit to the NDIS Commission here.
10. Declaration:


Thanks for submitting form. We have received it.

Hello, my name is Teekay I am one of the trainers here at Optimal Care Australia. Fitness and sports have been my passion ever since I can remember from playing at such a young age to studying it and later becoming a lifestyle coach, throughout the journey I have learned so much about the industry, met people with so many different challenges and guided many to a transitional lifestyle. I am a enthusiastic trainer always wanting the best for you and will challenge your limits and throughout the process I am and will be by your side and monitoring your progress.

Meeting and coming across people with so many needs and requirements has benefited me in so many ways, including modifying my training methods, approaching every single of you differently and in appropriate manner and programming differently. As humans we develop differently but accordingly and throughout life we may encounter and in some instances be born with challenges, my job is work closely with you in attaining your goals, improving your health and life challenges.

Health and wellbeing are life factors that can be affected by challenges in life, such as lack of fitness and physical appearance. My aim is improving those factors by working with you to face those challenges and barriers.


  • Bachelor’s of sport science
  • Diploma of Sports Development
  • ESSA accredited Sports scientist
  • Certificate III in personal training
  • ASIC’s level 1 coaching
  • First Aid and CPR
  • Masters of physiotherapy (Ongoing)

Areas of speciality

  • Strength and condition
  • Rehab and injury prevention
  • Mobility and functional training
  • Sports performance enhancement
  • Motor skills development
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Fitness and HIIT
  • Muscle mass building
  • Fat loss


  • 1 on 1 training
  • Small group training
  • Monitored and measured results
  • Nutrition guidance
  • Elite training
  • Sports specific and focused training
  • Adolescent, Youth and Adult training
  • Confidence and self-esteem boost